Wanderers from the Stars is C M Chadwick's second novel. The author spent many years in scientific research and education and has also published several scientific books and papers. His interests are in gardening and the allotment and he is an avid reader of novels.
Author news
Wanderers from the Stars, a 'lost world' novel, is due out on 28th July.
'Lost World' novels are stories of voyages under the sea or around the world, of novel means of flight, undiscovered continents, space or time travel, and of lost tribes in inaccessible places. The genre was made popular in the early 20th century by such authors as Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, H. Rider Haggard and Dennis Wheatley, all of whose works have inspired the present author.
With Wanderers from the Stars, CM Chadwick has written just such a tale. It features an enigmatic scientist and an eccentric clergyman, a lost tribe, crop circles with hidden information, lights in the sky, a strange hollow meteorite, unusual DNA in ancient palaeontological remains, unidentified flying craft and even a cameo appearance by the Yeti. It is set in diverse places: the Thames Valley, the South African veldt, the Mountains of Nepal and in the Mexican jungle. The story is fast-moving and a veritable adventure trail.
The author has written this story for the purpose of simple entertainment in the hope that as an accessible adventure story, it can be considered to continue the 'lost world' genre with a contemporary theme.