Martin Fone

A Classics graduate from Trinity College, Cambridge Martin Fone had a successful career in the insurance industry. He co-authored two books on public sector risk management which were adopted by the Institute of Risk Management as their standard text books. Since retiring Martin has had the opportunity to develop his interests, mainly reading, writing and thinking or, as his wife puts it, locking himself away in his office for a few hours a day. In particular he has been blogging and writing in his tongue-in-cheek, irreverent style about the quirks, idiocies and idiosyncrasies of life, both modern and ancient. His latest books, Fifty Clever Bastards, Fifty Curious Questions, and Fifty Scams and Hoaxes reflect this change in direction. In May 2018 Fifty Curious Questions was a Category Finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Award 2018 and has been serialised in Country Life magazine's social media platform. Fifty Scams and Hoaxes was a category finalist in the Independent Author Network Book of the Year award, 2019. Martin is now a regular contributor to Country Life Online and his fourth book, The Fickle Finger, is out at the end of February 2020.

Author news

Fifty Scams and Hoaxes is now available in e-book and paperback format.

Books by this author