Here's what readers have to say about this book....
A friend recommended this book. At first, I found the book challenging to get into. But it wasn't the fault of the book but of the reader. Then, I was invited into a circle where we gently and slowly took a piece from the book each month. And the penny dropped. It was the medicine I needed - to slow down and reflect. To be encouraged kindly to look at my own behaviour and how I might grow as a leader. I operate at speed, with little time for reflection. This book is a beautiful call to slow down. This book is medicine for these times. I'm not alone in being caught up with the Doing of leadership and forgetting the being. You may think you don't have time to slow down. BUt if you are in any position of leadership - community, home, parental, workplace - it's on you to reflect on your leadership and this book is the ideal and loving companion.
Amanda's books are always a joy to engage with. I am a leadership coach and a life long developing leader. The stories and questions Amanda shares support me in many ways, however at present they provide me with reflective moments during this unpredictable time (lock down and COVID 19) that I can dip in and out of - always finding words, thoughts, ideas to help move me forward positively. I also share them with my clients and they always generate reflective practice and good conversations. Amanda's previous book Pause for Breath has also become my go to "one stop shop" for models, ideas and wisdom and I often recommend it to leaders/managers, organisational development, leadership and HR Consultants....who want to strengthen their practice through presence and quality authentic dialogue.... I highly recommend both books....
I enjoyed this book enormously, it's very engaging and I love the clarity of the writing style. Each piece is thought provoking and subtle rather than instructive - like a gentle nudge from a non judgmental friend. Many pieces reference the Scottish landscape and draw you in with powerful well judged metaphors. Lovely to dip in and of it - it's not to be consumed in one sitting!