Alex and Debbie’s first voyage to the Antarctic looked to be plain sailing in every sense. The sea and the weather were both perfect for their passage to the Falklands and then South Georgia, and the forecast for their onward journey looked equally benign.
Then the news began to trickle through that something was amiss in China. Soon the news was much worse. On the other side of the world a calamity was overtaking the human race and whatever had started in China was now rapidly racing across the whole of Asia, scything down millions in its path.
There seemed to be nothing to stop it. It seemed impossible that the virus would not eventually arrive on the MS Sea Sprite. Was there anything they could do to avoid their dismal fate? Was there anywhere they could hide from the inevitable onslaught? Could they survive? Or would they simply be amongst the very last to succumb?’
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
This was an incredibly intense bookat times, hard to read especially given world events at the moment. I thought it was an interesting book although quite depressing and heartbreaking at times. Original review:
The author combines high tension with precise details of the fragile complexities of nature and ecology and an evocative tour of the Falklands, South Georgia and the Antarctic, all described in glorious technicolor prose. The elderly passengers on the Sea Sprite have very outspoken views and offer a clear indictment of mankind. The writing is powerful and mesmerizing and the threat to the human race as unsettling as John Wyndham's The Day Of The Triffids, tinged perhaps a little by The Island Of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells. Despite all the horrors this is a painfully beautiful story and the ending took my breath away. Original review:
I'll admit this book took me a while to read. At times I got so lost in the beauty that the author described with absolute honesty. The descriptions were such that if you close your eyes you could actually be there. He also includes a lot of historical facts which I'll admit are kind of amazing. The down side unfortunately is the characters. Alex and Debbie are retired and travelling the world. They come across as arrogant no it alls. Always having opinions about other people, often wrongly. They are the kind of people who I would go out of my way to avoid. There superiority complex astounded me just in the first few pages on how they dismissed people with nothing more than a look. They also came across as self absorbed. Even in survival mode they were superior or so they thought. I'll admit they put a downer on the book. I know this sounds cold but I wouldn't have been upset if they caught the virus. But as I mentioned earlier the scenery, the animals and everything in nature was absolutly fabulous. That is why I gave the book four stars. If it were just on the characters they would get minus one. Original review:
When you plan a luxury nature cruise to Antartica, survival is not the first thing on your mind. This is a dream trip for Alex and Debbie who have spent most of their retirement traveling the world on similar cruises. But this one will be very different. The first few days are uneventful. Alex and Debbie become friends with other passengers, take a few planned trips to the Falkland Islands and listen to lectures on history, plants and sea life. Then sporadic news bulletins begin to filter in. There is a virus, probably from China, that is causing near instant death. No one is immune. They listen in horror as it spreads quickly from country to country. What can they do to survive? And will they? Survival, a character driven thriller, is well plotted and simply terrifying because it is so real. I especially enjoyed the lectures and information shared by different characters. Did you know that starlings were introduced to Central Park by Shakespeare enthusiasts? Which two countries have an albatross on their flags? Or the differences between the Gentoo and Macaroni penguins? These facts are interspersed thoroughout Survival so your pulse can return to normal. The only criticism I have is that Alex and friends are overly pompous know-it-alls. It's hard to identify with a lead character with his personality. 5 stars. Original review:
I wish to express my gratitude to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing UK for the compelling adventure 'Survival' by David Fletcher. This was a pulse-pounding, thrilling, character-driven book that vividly described its dazzling environment. It combined suspense, terror, humour, and information in one well-written and researched book. I was pleased how vividly the author accurately depicted the environmental beauty, the variety of mammals and birds and enriched the story with historical facts. An underlying theme is the destruction that humanity has wrought upon our environment and with the endangerment and extinction of other forms of life. By googling pictures of the sites, readers can add to their enjoyment. The MS Sea Sprite is carrying approximately 90 wildlife enthusiasts on an Antarctic expedition. These passengers are predominately elderly but in great physical shape. I made a similar voyage about 25 years ago, but without the luxury and amenities, and the passengers ranged from the young and active to the old and feeble. Alex and Debbie are an elderly couple anxious to view the scenic beauty and explore the Antarctic bird and mammal life. Alex chooses his dinner companions carefully, ensuring their meals are with compatible, like-minded companions. There is much thought-provoking banter between Alex and his two elderly male table guests, a 'know-it-all' and a 'walking encyclopedia.' Their conversations are wickedly appalling and amusing, most never politically correct. Meanwhile, a British intelligence officer, Stuart, is monitoring news reports at his recent post at the military base in the Falkland Islands. He is very bored and had been hoping for an exciting transfer to the Far East or the Caribbean, but instead ended up in this desolate part of the world. The news is always the same; trouble in the Middle East, hostilities in Syria, sabre-rattling by Putin, and absurd tweets by Trump. Something new is added. There is a flu in China which authorities say is under control. Then following skirmishes along the borders, nothing further is heard from China. It seems to have been obliterated from the world. Wild rumours and speculation are everywhere. As Stuart grows increasingly alarmed, he and a female worker steal a Top Secret document from the military base. They learn of the calamity facing the world's people, and whatever started in China is rapidly spreading, causing death in its path. The desert by stealing a yacht from the base and head south into turbulent waters. Their vessel is wrecked, and those on the Sea Sprite rescue them. Once onboard, they inform the captain of the horror they have learned. The captain decides to head towards the Antarctic Peninsula for safety and sanctuary. They encounter hostility and danger from a few others along the way. Can they hope to escape and survive the plague, or are they all doomed? I have posted my review on Goodreads and Amazon. Highly recommended! Original review: