Crime and Thrillers
Charles Yelland was leading the perfect life until a faked photograph appeared in a newspaper on the morning of his oil company’s annual general meeting showing an exploration rig in Antarctica. After this, he didn’t think that his world could get any worse – he was seriously wrong.
Charles Yelland was leading the perfect life until a faked photograph appeared in a newspaper on the morning of his oil company’s annual general meeting showing an exploration rig in Antarctica. After this, he didn’t think that his world could get any worse – he was seriously wrong. Within hours, presidents and prime ministers were telephoning each other to find out whether oil had actually been discovered and whether the sixty-year-old Antarctic Treaty, with its suspension of territorial claims, was now dead. What would countries and companies do to gain access to an area one and a half times the size of the United States of America with eleven per cent of the earth’s land mass and minerals? The Tip of the Iceberg is a thought-provoking and gripping story of kidnap and intrigue.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I don't often rave about books but this one was a bit special. A delight to read a book by someone who loves words & how they interact with one another. A tight plot, characters that you really got to know. Not often I finish a book this quickly. I need more from this author.
Another new author for me & he should be for you too. This is a cracking read. Charles Yelland, chairman of Petronello Oil, is eating breakfast on the morning of the company's AGM. He is suddenly confronted by a picture, in his morning paper, which shows one of his drilling rigs in the Antarctic drilling for oil. Charles knows that this particular rig is not in Antarctica. So, who placed the picture & why? He travels to his office to complete final preparations for the AGM & whilst there receives a call saying that his daughter has been kidnapped. The price for her freedom? He must say in his speech that Petronello has discovered oil in Antarctica; he fully understands the consequences if he does not comply. The unfolding thriller involves governments, rival companies & the security services all set against the increasingly vocal green lobby who want Antarctica to remain the last untouched wilderness. The international treaty protecting Antarctica is at stake. The book is written in chronological order & moves at a rapid pace. The interactions of individuals & other global factions is very believable; all manoeuvring for advantage & personal gain. Kept me hooked to the end and was a fantastic read. Thoroughly recommended.
An intriguing story. I read this on holiday and it is the perfect holiday read: an intriguing story where you want to find out what happened. Lots of twists and turns, with some serious stuff in the background about who controls the world's natural resources.
You want to identify the politicians in this book but every time you time you think you have they do or say something to dispel the stereotype. This is a book which so accurately portrays the machinations and schemes of politicians, special advisers and civil servants of all political parties and leanings, but it also identifies the good guys, the ones that want to make a difference (there are some). There is geopolitical power play, and the bending of public opinion through social media and entryism. Most of all there is an excellent story filled with modern day investigative techniques, old fashioned slogging and logic.
A well researched story full of characters to believe in. Proves how fake news can be so damaging...Great political thriller if that's your genre 4* from me..go buy it!!