This is the tale of fifteen humorous, heart-breaking years, of the journey of a lifetime, from Tibetan India to the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of Syria.
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Full synopsis
This is the tale of fifteen humorous, heart-breaking years, of the journey of a lifetime, from Tibetan India to the Anti-Lebanon Mountains of Syria.
A tale of oil exploration, with love, humility and the companionship of some of the world’s hardiest nomads discovered along the way. It is the story of some pioneering and sometimes misguided journeys through the amazing world of the Middle East and Indo-Pakistan, before the political upheavals of the 21st Century.
A world where it was still possible to play a drum solo in a Sufi temple, share a goat with Pathan tribesmen, guide a helicopter down on a Turkish threshing ground, eat sheep’s brains at 16,000 feet and crawl though Roman sewers on the abandoned edge of an apocalyptic war.
The crying shame is that nearly all of this story is no longer possible. Above all this is a true story, to remind people of what can be, even if we can never rebuild what was.
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