Fantasy and Horror


Cathar Grail Quest Saga, Book 2

by Stephen Chamberlain
Released: 28th February, 2023
Graelstorm A unique kind of woman A cosmic feud A secret that threatens her existence Lena Dubois is something that should not exist... Lena's Gradl quest is over, and her nemesis defeated. But that was only the beginning. Now renegade Gra€lheem abduct her to a realm beyond Earth, where she discovers her true identity.



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Full synopsis


A unique kind of woman

A cosmic feud

A secret that threatens her existence

Lena Dubois is something that should not exist...

Lena's Graël quest is over, and her nemesis defeated. But that was only the beginning. Now renegade  Graëlheem abduct her to a realm beyond Earth, where she discovers her true identity. Plunged into a clash between immortals, she must defeat cosmic forces to survive and fulfil her destiny.

Welcome to a paranormal adventure full of intrigue, tyranny, and the lust for power, shot through with the angst of star-crossed romance.

An exciting new twist on Grail myth, Graëlstorm is the sequel to Graëlfire

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