In 2003 having secured two part time jobs within social care following a bout of redundancy I had to hit the ground running;
In 2003 having secured two part time jobs within social care following a bout of redundancy I had to hit the ground running; one day trying to make sense of a cheese and potato pie recipe whilst residents waited patiently for their dinner, and the next day playing golf with a client who pushed cheating to the limits. To those who didn’t know him his scores were very impressive.
Other scenarios including dealing with a client’s amorous dog that seemed to swing both ways and deep seated memories of a psychotic donkey called Lucky who was anything but, came under the heading of ”more thinking required”.
Apparently I’m Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea gives an often humorous insight into working with various groups of people who, on the face of it, needed some support but often chose to ignore me. The title comes from a remark given to me by a lady client who then disappeared into the toilet with book in hand.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
A really well written insight into the life of a social care worker. Delightfully lighthearted in places , and stories we can all relate to. A great read with a glass of wine in the garden .Some of the characters are recognizable to many who have had family or friends receiving care.
Great book, a very enjoyable read. Graham Phipps writes about his experience as a Carer and all that entails, with very amusing anecdotes and observations. He also gives the reader an insight into his own life events, with great humour, to mention but a few, the motorbike, the donkey and Ultrasonic Intestine, the rock group that didn't rock at all. All in all a very amusing and relaxing read. I would recommend.