Poetry, Short Stories & Plays
These stories reach out: to embrace, beckon, invite! Such diverse themes are ever-present to explore, relate to, empathise with, as you accompany characters on their personal journeys, and experience vicariously their struggles, hopes and dreams. Happy tales present idyllic life-styles in Mediterranean settings, of love, adventure and self-discovery. Floating Romans occupy the sitting -room; poltergeists disturb your serenity in an old, haunted house. Fulfilment, belonging and peace are found in an Art Gallery; and a perilous boat journey in turbulent waters will provide trepidation and suspense. The presence of animals creates harmony, healing; the isolation suffered due to mental health issues, as well as coping with speech disorders and bullying, will arouse your compassion. It’s all there in these fast-moving tales, which you can dip in and out of at your leisure.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
A perfect ending to the queue. Starting ironically with A Perfect Ending and ending with The Queue, Vivien Varga's book of ten short stories is a book to look out for. Her writing is spare and compelling. She covers a wide range of subjects. Some stories are adventures- occasionally amorous- in sunny climes. Others deal with gritty subjects of our age: bullying, poverty, loneliness and mental illness. In one story we hear about a hundred years of family history from the point of view of a chair! There is even a ghost story. Many stories are set at or concern the seaside. But the common theme is optimism and hope. Vivien Varga has a sure style. You feel you are in safe and experienced hands even though you take some unpredictable and unexpected turns. You can dip in and out of this book or read it from beginning to end as I did. Whichever way you choose, I thoroughly recommend it.
I love these short stories. They have so much to offer: They really are short, perfect for a bus ride or in-flight reading. Each of these clever, beautifully-written tales gave this reader an uplift just what we all need at the moment. Everything is here: adventure, life-lessons, compassion, romance and humour, and even a daylight WhatsApp ghost story! Varga sets up the scenes with acute and spare description, not wasting a word, drawing in the reader with precision. A PERFECT ENDING is a collection I'll be rereading and rereading for years to come!
A wonderful variety of short stories,all totally enticing. Would definitely recommend!
A collection of stories each with an ingenious twist at the very end. Perfect bedtime reading.