4th March, 2022
2 min read
New events for authors and self-publishers announced for 2022

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Troubador Publishing
We are delighted to announce our first author and writing events programme for spring / summer 2022. The programme features a blend of online and in-person events designed to help authors gain skills across a wide range of topics. From ‘How to publish, sell and market an ebook’ to learning how to index a non-fiction book – a session being run in association with the Society of Indexers. There are also editing and creative writing workshops, where writers can get hands on to improve their writing.
We’ve been expanding our author workshop series following a period of growth and expansion into our new purpose-built premises. The move allowed for increased office and warehouse space and enhanced event facilities. ‘Part of the company’s mission has always been to guide and assist authors in making the right choices about writing and self-publishing, to give their books the best chance of success. Running workshops and events is an important part of that,’ says Managing Director Jeremy Thompson. ‘For example, last week, we ran a free session in association with Nielsen BookData on metadata and ISBNs for self-publishers, a crucial and often misunderstood area for self-publishers.’
The events we are announcing now are:
• March 16 (online) How to Publish, Market and Sell Ebooks. Hosted by Matador’s Digital Department
• April 1 (in person, Troubador’s Market Harborough offices) Indexing for Authors & Self-Publishers (with the Society of Indexers)
• May 06 (in person, Troubador’s offices) Creative Writing to Inspire hands on writing workshop with author and trainer Claire Dyer
• July 15 (in person, Troubador’s offices) Editing for authors with Cressida Downing, The Book Analyst
Hannah Dakin from Troubador who is managing the events says: ‘Our 26 years plus working with authors in indie publishing means we can craft our events to hone in on the areas we know authors struggle with or want to learn more about. My passion is interacting with writers while hosting the events; we look forward to announcing more such events as 2022 unfolds.’
Our programme of shorter events sits alongside our annual Self-Publishing Conference (SPC) that we have now been running for eight years, and which is next taking place on the 9th April 2022 at the College Court Conference Centre, Leicester
Our full programme of events, including the conference, can be seen on Eventbrite, where bookings can also be made: