Born into a poor household in 1860’s London, George experiences a terrible trauma as a thirteen-year-old when he believes his friend has drowned in the Thames. George blames himself and it haunts and shapes his life, with the incident constantly replayed and changed in his memory.
George becomes a soldier and fights in the Sudan Campaign of the 1880’s. But another friend killed in battle throws him into despair and self-recrimination. Later, with the death of one of his sons and the permanent disability of another, he believes he is being punished for betraying his friends.
Then there is a meeting which questions whether the source of his despair and which shaped his life events, was real.
This is an exploration of friendship, trauma, and memories, and how we might reinterpret them at different times in our life, to the point where reality and illusion become intertwined.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
A mini epic following the life of a working class man born in 1860 up to the First World War. The book brilliantly evokes the feel of the times in which it is set, and the childhood trauma, that affects the main character. The narrative ends with a dramatic and challenging conclusion. A must read.