Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I have had the privilege to read this book, as it progressed. It has been such an amazing experience to part of this process. I looked forward to receiving each chapter as it was written. The Tent of Fine Linen is the second book of the trilogy. The trilogy is based within the Old Testament and not only provides a great read but also provides a sound overview of the teachings of the stories within this part of the bible. I learnt so much by reading it. I found myself "googling" things that I had not even considered when I have read the word of God - practical things like, how do you spin wool, what was the temperate of the environment like? I actually felt like I was "in" the story. This is an amazing book for those that want to learn more about how the characters may have felt at the time, to gain an understanding of how they actually lived. Corinne has taken much time to research everything, so that we can understand and actually imagine what it would have been like to live during biblical times. This book is blessing to those, who like me, sometimes struggle to understand the Old Testament and make it relevant for how we live our lives today.