The Last Years are two heart-warming plays about acceptance, putting the past into perspective and learning to say goodbye, despite the difficulties.
In ‘The Last Dance’, we follow Hercules during a period of mourning after the loss of his long term partner, and his efforts to come to terms with the new life ahead. Our hero, who is not at all heroic, talks to and continually grumbles with his wife’s ghost. The family Cat and Dog act as the chorus, keeping up a running commentary on the foibles of both their master and mistress as these two try to come to terms with this new and unwished for separation.
‘Mouse the Unready’ follows the story of Mouse who has recently discovered that he has a serious heart problem. He immediately enters into long negotiations with Omega– that is, Death– about when and how he can be allowed to die, but Omega, as we know, can be ruthless.