Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Hard to put down. Riveting read, love it.
Not a good book to pick up if you want an early night. It's very hard to stop reading. This is quite tricky to categorize because there's a great variety of characters. A hilarious comedy thriller crammed with goths, criminals, crotchety old Policemen, witches, bikers and a crazy 'Mrs Brown' type woman who runs a retirement home for old rockers- she should really have a book all to herself. The séance was one of my highlights in here. I don't think I've read anything this good or this funny in years. Keep putting them out please! You lost a star because it wasn't long enough, by the way.
Ace read. Just perfect!
So much fun! The story covers quite a lot of ground and is told through a series of delicious mishaps, a fantastically described mass brawl in a country pub, a saucy sorceress slaying a room full of demons, a 'Mrs Brown' type medium channelling the spirits in an old folks home for bikers ( as rude and as funny as anything else I've ever read). And two gangsters smashing up a transport café. I can't remember enjoying a book so much in ages. Just one gripe, it could be longer, but at least there are more in the series. Unusually there are four pages of photos showing some of the characters (real people). A couple of maps and a decent intro. My Mum has pinched it.
Just the book for cheering yourself up on a miserable afternoon. Love it.