Sport & Hobbies
A comprehensive technical digest of the terminology and vocabulary of the art of fencing; from Olympic Competitive fencing to Theatrical Swordplay. This eBook has been designed for ease of access for the student swordsperson, available on all major digital platforms, from home computers to smart phones and everything in between.
A comprehensive technical digest of the terminology and vocabulary of the art of fencing; from Olympic Competitive fencing to Theatrical Swordplay. This eBook has been designed for ease of access for the student swordsperson, available on all major digital platforms, from home computers to smart phones and everything in between. The Codex has all the answers you will require to pass your proficiency award qualifications from all recognised fencing governing bodies.
If you are studying further fencing qualification, to become a coach, this codex covers all the vocabulary you will require to teach others the sport of fencing.
If your aim is to become a fight director or sword master in the entertainment business, the codex will give you the international language of the sword. This eBook will give you the passport to communicate the skills required of a swordplay scene to the writer of an action sequence, to the cast, the stunt coordinator, and the director, as the correct fencing vocabulary is one recognised world-wide.
As a fencer and film / theatre swordsman, for over thirty-five years, I have found my notes on terminology and the relevant vocabulary, which I have transcribed for you here, the most valuable, irreplaceable tool in my kit bag, next to my mask, swords and protective jacket. To this day, I can recite a complex fencing definition, verbatim, with ease and without pause for thought. Thanks to my fencing master who gave me the golden ticket to the art of fencing. I now pass the golden ticket on to you.
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