AspergerWorld is a fascinating, part-autobiographical book written by Joely Williams, a young woman with Asperger’s syndrome. It aims to inspire and empower those on the autistic spectrum, and teach them the joy of self-acceptance.
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Full synopsis
AspergerWorld is a fascinating, part-autobiographical book written by Joely Williams, a young woman with Asperger’s syndrome. It aims to inspire and empower those on the autistic spectrum, and teach them the joy of self-acceptance. AspergerWorld shares Joely’s journey: from the challenges she faced as a child, to successfully completing her education, to her current role as an autism activist. It also contains invaluable advice for both parents and professionals on how to best support those with autism. Most importantly, it aims to educate, igniting what Joely calls ‘a positive rainbow of change’ into the heart of the autistic community.
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