Health & Wellbeing
This book is an introduction, discussion, manual and attempted explanation of eye movement desensitization therapy. Thirty years ago a psychologist in California, the late Dr Francine Shapiro, found that distressing memories decreased with systematic eye movements. Since then thousands of psychological therapists have trained in this method and millions of patients have been treated. This method remains controversial, since these is still no accepted explanation. It must be artificial REM sleep, but more explanation is required.
The author of this book first used eye movement desensitization in 1991. This book is the result of 30 years experience, reflection and research. The method is described, along with different therapeutic targets and problem solving. Problems of memory and assessment are considered. Distress measurement is advocated as key to good practice. An explanation is developed and it's limitations considered, We are using artificial dreaming to unload the patient's overloaded working memory. Eye movement desensitization indicates the way ahead for psychological treatment. This book offers a succinct and readable account for practitioners and those therapists considering the initial straining course.
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