Parkinson’s Disease: A Personal Account in Pictures is Terry Rummins’ candid story of living with the disease and told in a graphical style, with humour.
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Parkinson’s Disease: A Personal Account in Pictures is Terry Rummins’ candid story of living with the disease and told in a graphical style, with humour.
In over 400 colour illustrations, Jack Rummins, Terry’s husband, has produced an original interpretation of her story. From the shock at receiving the diagnosis to feelings of inadequacy, anger, joy and finally to hope, the illustrations show, in a very direct manner, what it means to have this paradoxical disorder.
Terry has dealt with this situation in an individual way for many years. She tells how she developed a new understanding of herself and how this has helped with the daily challenges of Parkinson’s and the prognosis.
The book will be essential reading for anyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, their carers, family, friends, nurses and other medical professionals.
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