Health & Wellbeing
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
This is a seminal monograph on the subject of the therapeutic application and use of stem cells in regenerative medicine. The science described within the pages of this text may be leading edge, but Chan and Klokol have attempted to keep the information accessible to the average reader. However, in some parts the comprehension of the complex science may be challenging. Research scientists and students of medical research may gain the greatest benefits of this work. The text guides you through the multiple applications of the utilization of Stem Cells and the medical illnesses that may be treated by the use of Xenogeneic Cell Therapy.' The authors posit the limitations and benefits of the scientific method as it relates explicitly to its use in human subjects. There is a brief description of xenotransplantation in the treatment of cells requiring regenerative assistance in a range of degenerative conditions through cross-species donated cells. Significant importance is placed in the use of cross-species hosts to be Scientific Pathogen Free Animals (SPF Animals) through the use of Closed Colony' and proven clinical methods. Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine describes the merits, the problemata, and the detailed methodologies of regenerative therapies. The book is replete with beautiful color illustrations that includes the Cell Cycle and the illustrations of the Noble Prize Winner, Günter Blobel, for Physiology or Medicine in 1999. His thesis is on how the distribution mechanism of biological active transport cells migrate, how proteins contain signals inside that direct their location in a destination cell, and how they are transported and where they may migrate to. I found the Chronology of the development of stem cell research and application to be compelling reading. Simply the most comprehensive book on the subject of Stem Cells as applied in regenerative medicine,' and most certainly the best illustrated. The illustrations combined with Chan and Klokols vivid written communication provides you with an invaluable tool in comprehending the ground breaking subject of Stem Cell Therapy.
I have only looked at the first few chapters of this amazing book. It's definitely one that I will be looking at and digesting at a slow pace. The first few chapters were more of a getting to know you by the authors and what their research is about. I have 2 children at uni, one doing Nursing and one doing Biology, this book will definitely help me keep up with their conversations. I will update this review when I have read more as I can see that it's going to be fascinating.