History, Politics & Society
Every age and every culture produce their own particular set of ‘False Gods’ and their associated narratives. Each of these ‘False Gods’ is supported by a whole range of sub-mythologies and ideological delusions that seek to justify, rationalise and normalise the worship of the particular ‘False God’.
Setting out to identify Seven of the ‘False Gods’ of modernity, Civilization 21 opens a Pandora’s Box of alternative narratives that challenge the evolving norms of twenty-first century mythologies and delusions. From science to individualism, and progressiveness to human exceptionalism, these modernised mythologies and their associated delusions are fundamental to the structures of our perceived realities.
All historical civilizations seem to follow a similar pattern; structured to have a beginning, middle and end. While this may not be an iron law of history, there is no guarantee that our First Global Techno-Scientific Civilization will not follow a similar pattern. In this analysis the end could be near, or we could be on the precipice of unprecedented cultural and ethical progress. Only time will tell.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
This was an excellent book. The cloud of "civilization" has distorted our view of the world to the point that it is difficult to really see reality. This book goes a long way to clear that up.