The Point of It is part of a series of three Artists’ Books that represent three stages of an artistic journey in the years 1995-2006 exploring the dialectic of mark, word and image. A recurrent theme in each is that of surprise.
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The Point of It is part of a series of three Artists’ Books that represent three stages of an artistic journey in the years 1995-2006 exploring the dialectic of mark, word and image. A recurrent theme in each is that of surprise. The Point of It describes a further surprise in 1999 involving a shift into the art of punctuation. Prints like www// where to begin?//.com explore the aesthetic possibilities of the standard marks of punctuation in the space of writing. The emergent concept of The Punctage has facilitated a typology of forms also opening up the affinity of punctuation with musical notation and hence the musicality of textuality. The three books show how working through these stages in visual art was a condition for the spacial writing and reading of both sound and silence in my it to you (2013), The Book of It (2010) as well as In The Face of It (2013).