Sport & Hobbies
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
The book I reach out to when I need a break from all the hustle and bustle, a great companion anywhere, any day, any time. I just love the concept. There are different levels which makes it even more challenging and enjoyable - great brain boosting activities. You won't regret having this book around!
I dip in and out of puzzles and occasionally get hooked on one. This is one of those . Started the Daily puzzle on the internet and then got the book. Like all the best puzzles, a simple set of rules but a brilliant idea. Each new pattern as you work through the book changes the challenge. Perfect present for a puzzler. Keep dipping in for just one more puzzle. Recommend you give it a go
The puzzles are beautifully laid out and clear to read. They're great to pass time on the train or simply binge on a Sunday afternoon. It's possible to dip between different puzzle layouts as you please which is nice for when you get stuck (or just want to change things up a bit!). There are some sharp difficulty spikes within some chapters but I found leaving them and attempting other puzzles often helped me learn new strategies with which I could go back and attempt the others. They're strangely addictive - I'd definitely recommend giving them a try!
I came across this puzzle book while looking for a new one. It is really good and challenging. I like the fact that it includes different designs and patterns and each one is a different challenge. The more of your own techniques you will discover along the way , the better it will get. I will definitely recommend this puzzle to any one who likes solving them.
It is really awesome, I just came accross this book while looking for any puzzle book for my elder boy. Now even I cannot stop myself solving these puzzles but I need to fight for my chances though. Recommend highly.